Tim McIlrath and Joe Principe on Resonant New Rise Against Album,
'Nowhere Generation' - 5-28-21
Rise Against Raise Up Anthem for Dismissed 'Gens' on "Nowhere Generation" - .4/20/21
Chester, Grohl and More: Rise Against Singer
on 10 "Holy Shit" Collabs - 4-13-21
TikTok, Riots, "Radical" Punk: Rise Against
Talks Trials of Nowhere Generation - 4/6/21
Tim McIlrath + Fan Who Became a Civil Rights Lawyer Because of Rise Against - 4/2/21
Rise Against's Tim McIlrath Doesn't Have This Problem with Punk Anymore - 9-25-20
"Dystopian writing" comes true with timely new song, "Broken Dreams, Inc." - 9-28-20
Rise Against Stands Up for Equality and the Fight for an Attainable American Life in "Broken Dreams, Inc. - 9/30/20
Rise Against's Tim McIlrath Doesn't Have This Problem with Punk Anymore - 9-25-20